Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ginger Pups Day #1, Sunny Pups One Week Old

Day #1 - Ginger has been a really good mama. She is starting to eat more and drink a lot more. She really likes to snuggle with the puppies... almost looks like she is trying to hide them under her. She is very protective of her puppies. She won't even let the other dogs come to the doorway before she jumps out of the puppy bed and tells them off. She did however ask to go outside twice today which is much different from the first 24 hours with Sunny. On the way back to the puppy bed she grabbed a doggy toy to take into the bed with her. Very cute!
Little girl from Sunny's Litter...

Sunny Week One (7 days old) - They are just growing like weeds! They are rather chunky now with fat wrinkles down their legs and back. The runt continues to grow and is looking more and more healthy each and every day.

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