Sunday, May 31, 2009

Whale Watching

These are transient Orca Whales. There were about 27 total traveling in the waters today. This is VERY rare.

Sea Lion hangin' out....

This is a picture of the Orca whales just before then swam under our boat today!

Kurt and I are away in La Conner this weekend. We are celebrating my birthday this year with a weekend away. Today Kurt took me Whale Watching. He secretly invited my best bud Jenn along. What a nice surprise!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kodiak & Ginger

This is a picture of Kodiak and Ginger. Kodiak is a female pup that we think is a chow/lab mix. Nichole found her tied up to the highway gaurd rail on the way home one night. Kodiak was about 3-4 months old when we found her. The night I found her was very cold & foggy. It is by luck that she was found. When we got her home we bathed her because she was absolutely dirty and covered with fleas. Now that we have had her for several months we are glad we decided to keep her. She is a very loving dog with a fierce stubborn attitude. She has selective hearing. She likes to chase after the other dogs and loves to have a ball in her mouth the entire time. She does not like to play fetch. We are getting her fixed in about two weeks. She loves to be outside and is the guard dog of our pack.

Continue Garden Spot Part One

This is a picture of Kurt tilling up the garden/rose garden. In the distance you can see the chicken house and all the rose plants we purchased for the rose garden lined up along the fence line. I need to take some more recent pictures of this garden spot because we have done a lot of work out there since! Currently, the rose garden is planted, the vegetables are in rows and the blueberry's are planted along the right hand fence line.

Maximillian aka "Max"

This is Max. He is a purebred golden retriever. He will be two years old this July. Max is the love bug of our pack. He loves to stay right by your side and is eager to please. He loves to chase his brothers.

Recently, Max got tangled up with a slow moving car. We suspect his paws landed on the cars front tire and he went rolling. He hit his head and had some road rash on his body. He had to get staples on the top of his head. Come to find out later, he also broke the bone on top of his head and broke two of his teeth. He has some nerve damage as a result of all of this and the muscle on the top of his head has atrophied. Poor fella! We have him scheduled next week to have his two broken teeth extracted and a full series of head x-rays. Will keep all posted...

Garden area Part One

This is part one of our garden area. This was a few weeks ago when it was still under construction. This is the first time this soil has been tilled up and let me tell you that was quite a chore this year. Weeding will not be fun!! We have spent hours and hours out in this dirt, pulling out clumps of grass, weeds, rock and amending the soil. Part of this tilled area has become Juliet's memorial rose garden. Kurt and family spent many hours putting up fencing around our garden area, installing nice gates and burring the fencing around the chicken coop area (not seen in this picture). The soil is a clay-silt and will need lots of compost/chicken manure and amendments in years to come.

Princess Ginger Snapp

At Hummingbird Hill Farms we love dogs. We currently have 5 dogs, 4 golden retrievers and one black chow/lab mix. This is a picture of Ginger. She is currently 10 months old. We will be breeding her starting this fall.

Ginger is a sweet dog. She is gentle dog. She brings me a present every morning when my alarm clock goes off. The present is usually my slipper, a sock, dish towel or anything else she can get her mouth on. She never chews up the present, slobbers on the present.. but just gives it to you willingly (sometimes she can be an Indian giver!). She is a mellow dog, however she never moves slowly. Her head motions are quick and rapid. She love to play ball, loves to dig after moles and most of all loves to stalk chickens. Her hair is very downy and crimps when she gets wet.


Welcome! This is the blog for Hummingbird Hill Farms in Hoquiam, Wa. We are a small 8 acre farm. We currently have 5 dogs, 2 cats, 36 chickens and 2 ducks. We have a vegetable garden, a rose garden and several apple and young cherry trees.

These duckies are named Wanda and Waddles. We would like to welcome you to Hummingbirg Hill Farms.