Saturday, May 30, 2009

Maximillian aka "Max"

This is Max. He is a purebred golden retriever. He will be two years old this July. Max is the love bug of our pack. He loves to stay right by your side and is eager to please. He loves to chase his brothers.

Recently, Max got tangled up with a slow moving car. We suspect his paws landed on the cars front tire and he went rolling. He hit his head and had some road rash on his body. He had to get staples on the top of his head. Come to find out later, he also broke the bone on top of his head and broke two of his teeth. He has some nerve damage as a result of all of this and the muscle on the top of his head has atrophied. Poor fella! We have him scheduled next week to have his two broken teeth extracted and a full series of head x-rays. Will keep all posted...

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