Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kodiak & Ginger

This is a picture of Kodiak and Ginger. Kodiak is a female pup that we think is a chow/lab mix. Nichole found her tied up to the highway gaurd rail on the way home one night. Kodiak was about 3-4 months old when we found her. The night I found her was very cold & foggy. It is by luck that she was found. When we got her home we bathed her because she was absolutely dirty and covered with fleas. Now that we have had her for several months we are glad we decided to keep her. She is a very loving dog with a fierce stubborn attitude. She has selective hearing. She likes to chase after the other dogs and loves to have a ball in her mouth the entire time. She does not like to play fetch. We are getting her fixed in about two weeks. She loves to be outside and is the guard dog of our pack.

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