Many people have asked me, "what is the difference between male and female dogs?" We currently have three male dogs and three female dogs and this has been my personal experience between them.
Both Males and Females -
Submissive pee when they are younger
Hump other dogs (typically as an act of dominance)
Chew on things
Obsessed about the ball/water/frisbee etc.
Loving and eager to please
Female Dogs -
-More expensive to get fixed
-Tend to be smaller in most breeds, but this is not always the case.
-Easier to scratch their bellies, no other "parts" get in the way
-Moody and hormonal
-"Princess" mentality, will sulk if they don't get their way
-Affection and play on their terms
-If you fix a female before she reaches sexual maturity you will not have to deal with blood spots on your floor, decreased territorial and other bad behaviors.
-A female dog in heat can be very very moody and snippy, even if she is a sweet heart any other time
-Playful as a puppy but can be stand offish as an adult.
-My females have been my primary diggers in my yard.. not sure if this is to fill a need for "nesting" or just coincidence
Male Dogs -
-Cheaper to get fixed
-Tend to be larger in most breeds, but this is not always the case.
-If you fix a male before they reach sexual maturity they will not feel the need to hump and lift his leg to mark his territory. Actually if you fix a male dog young they may never lift their leg at all!
-You can easily train a male dog not to lift his leg on everything, especially during your walks
- More affectionate and loving
- More outgoing and sure of themselves
- Loyal companion
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