Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Manger

This is what we refer to as the manger at our house. We have set up a straw bale enclosure for the puppies to be in now that they are getting bigger. We have a nice bed made for them heated with three heat lamps. They are mainly on solid foods now but still nurse from time to time. We have a bed made for Ginger outside of the hay so she can be near her puppies during the day and at night time. When we open the door from the house into the garage the puppies all run over to the side of the pen waiting to be petted and loved on. It is rather cute.  We will completely wean the puppies this weekend and will have to place the t-shirt of shame on Ginger. Basically it is a cotton t-shirt tied up the back which covers her teats. She doesn't actually seem to mind the t-shirt but it does look rather silly. We will place an ad for the puppies in the paper this weekend as well. I can't believe we are almost to that phase already. We are never ready for them to leave our nest... we just love having them around so much!

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