Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our pack

This is an excellent picture of our pack here at Hummingbirdhill Farm. This picture was taken today of them all sunbathing together. At the head of the line we have Kodiak, our Chow/Lab Mix. She is 2 years old. Kodiak although stubborn is a very good pup. Next in line is Toby. He is 3 1/2 years old. His nick name is "Turbo Tongue Toby" and is the athlete of our family. Next in line is Max. He is also 3 1/2 years old. Max is our love bug in the family and always needs a cuddle. Max and Toby are brothers from the litter after Huck. Next in line is Huckleberry Finn, we call him Huck for short. He is 4 1/2 years old and is our ball hog. Huck is the oldest in our pack and also the Alpha. Ginger is off in the distance sunbathing on her own. Ginger is currently 2 1/2 years old. She is our dog that loves to bring presents to us every morning.

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