Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fort Worden

Pacific Ocean / Straight of Juan de Fuca. The land you see far off in the distance is Canada.

A few weekends ago Kurt and I decided to take a road trip.... drive the complete 101 circle around the Olympic National Forrest. We took all the dogs (minus Kodiak since she gets so terribly motion sick...) and took off that morning. Our first and main stop was at Fort Worden near Port Townsend. We hiked around the park, saw the light house and the old bunkers where the guns were located to protect the Straight of Juan de Fuca if war times occurred. Guns were never fired from this Fort when it was in operation. It is a rather large State Park now that has several beach trails. This state park also has cabins to rent during the summer. As we continued on our journey around the 101 loop we stopped in Forks for dinner, the great home of the Twilight series plot. Oh, my goodness... what craziness that town is under! All advertisement signs stated something related to Twilight... "Stop in for a burger.. this is where Bella eats!"... "Vacancy - Twilight Special" ... "Bells buys here groceries here!" We attempted to have dinner in Forks however the lines were VERY long at all restaurants (20 minutes to get seated, 20 min. for someone to take your order and 45 minutes for your food to come per the waitress)... we we grabbed a "bite" (ha ha) to eat at the grocery where Bella shops of course! and headed home. It was a very nice day outing.

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