Saturday, July 11, 2009

Juliet's Roses

Juliet's memorial rose garden is definitely a work in progress, but consistently progressing. All of the rose bushes/plants etc. planted have produced this year. We have also planted some Calla Lillies and Peonies in the garden. We have a vision of the entrance to this garden being stone pavers arched with the arbor Kurt and I got married under. We vision a square garden with the edges lined with roses and the center of the square hosting smaller rose plants, a bird bath, decorative stones and a memorial plaque for Juliet. In the far corner of the garden we want to place a small bench, a quiet place for us to go for peace and quiet (as much peace and quiet that you can get with Waddles and Wanda in the background :-) I will keep taking pictures and adding to his entry as the roses come into bloom.

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