Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ginger and Huckleberry Finn

I could not have posed this picture better myself. Ginger and Huckleberry are definitely getting closer to each other. I have heard of male and female dogs that take care of each other like husband and wife....They are most assured a duo and Huck watches out for Ginger. Ginger's first heat has come and gone. She started May 1st. She has been acting strange lately and I question if she is either 1. prego or 2. having a "false pregnancy". She has been nesting under out front porch step, her teets have gotten bigger and Huckleberry is rather interested in her lately. I however can't hear or feel anything in her tummy. As for the other dogs Kodiak is going to be fixed this week and Max and Toby are in good health.

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