Saturday, July 11, 2009

This picture was taken of our garden area on June 21st. Boy has it grown in one month! The picture below was taken on July 19th. This is the gate into the garden area. There is a tilled garden off to the right and the left hand side. We have plans to placed a gravel path between the two gardens leading up to the chicken coop gate and into the rose garden. In the garden off to the right we have planted: blueberries, potatoes, garlic, red/yellow/white onions, broccoli, brussle sprouts, spinach, lettuce, radishes, bok choy and lavender. In the garden off to the left we have planted: corn, peas, green beans, tomatoes, cabbage, colliflower, lettuce, carrots, fancy lettuce, squash, cucumbers, zucchini and peppers. As of today we have harvested some radishes, lettuce and some peas. I have also placed some herb pots on the back plastic you can see in the garden with: basil, dill, chives, cliantro, thyme, kale, lettuce and a few other potted veggies. Everything is growing like mad, including the weeds. I am having a REALLY hard time keeping up with the weeds. I continue to mulch like crazy and find myself searching for things to mulch with (grass clippings galore) to help curb the weeds to a manageable state. I try to weed at least a row every day and by the time I am done with a cycle through both gardens the weeds are a foot tall once again. Any organic suggestions would be welcomed readily!

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