Saturday, February 27, 2010

** SOLD ** Ginger Female #7 (GF7)

**SOLD** Ginger Female #6 (GF6)

8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 12 pounds. She will be a dark red girl when she grows up. Very mellow temperament.

**SOLD** Ginger Female #5 (GF5)

This is Ginger's runt of the litter. She has been healthy from the start. She has never had any trouble eating or fending for herself! She is currently 8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 6 pounds. She is the most adventurous of the bunch. The first to go out and explore new things. She does not startle easy and had the "no guts, no glory" approach. This one melted Kurt's heart from day one.

**SOLD** Ginger Female #4 (GF4)

Currently 8 weeks old and weighs 12 pounds. This one is a kisser. She loves to give you enthusiastic kisses! Always excited for human love and loves to be held.

**SOLD** Ginger Female #3 (GF3)

Currently 8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 11 pounds. Shy at first but warms up with a wag of the tail after a few minutes.

**SOLD** Ginger Female #2 (GF2)

**SOLD** Ginger Female #1 (GF1)

Currently 8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 11 pounds. We have nicknamed this one "Molly". She is such a sweet girl!!

**SOLD** Ginger Male #4 (GM4)

**SOLD** Ginger Male #3 (GM3)

**SOLD** Ginger Male #2 (GM2)

Currently 8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 13 pounds. Very cute block headed boy that will be medium red to dark red.

**SOLD** Ginger Male #1 (GM1)

Currently 8 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 12 pounds. We have nicknamed this one "teddy bear" and love his easy going, laid back personality. He has a block head and will be a medium red color.

**SOLD** Sunny Female #2 (SF2)

9 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 15 pounds. Her nick name is "doey" for her beautiful eyes. She is so full of life and is my pick of the litter. She is definitely the smartest of the bunch, including getting in to mischief! She will be medium red in color.

**SOLD** Sunny Female #1 (SF1)

9 weeks old (3/11) We have nicknamed her "big girl". As of today she weigh's 18 pounds.

** SOLD** Sunny Male #7 (SM7)

**SOLD** Sunny Male #6 (SM6)

Currently 9 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 17 pounds. This pup has an outgoing personality.

**SOLD** Sunny Male #5 (SM5)

Currently 9 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 18 pounds. This is the leader of the puppy pack. He has a very adventurous spirit.

**SOLD** Sunny Male #4 (SM4)

Currently 9 weeks old (3/11) and weighs 17 pounds. This is a love bug. Always first to greet me at the door in the morning wanting to be picked up and held.