Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Update on Runt Pup "Baby Girl"

Taking steps forward every day! :-)
Our "baby girl" has come a long way. She is now eating well and growing every day. She still has some raspy breathing and signs of an upper respitory infection.. but all in all, she has made some hearty gains. Her personality is really starting to shine through. She spends most of her time indoors. We no longer take her out to the big group in the garage any longer... she was just to small and would get to tired from running from the bigger dogs. We bring in a few of her smaller puppy friends to play with during the day and she enjoys that. She likes to play with the Old dogs however, Max and Huck are her favorites. She sleeps in her crate in Kurt's office during the day and we move the crate to our bedroom at night. We keep the door to the crate open and she comes and goes as she pleases. She quite enjoys free reign of the house. We are still regulating her food intake, giving her subcutaneous fluids, antibiotics, fiber supplements and anti-vomiting medication. We plan on weaning these medications off in a week or two. We are hoping she will kick the pneumonia, gain some really good strength and gain more weight/grow before we wean off what has been so successful! We are definitely not out of the woods yet, but as Kurt keeps telling me... She WILL make it...She is a fighter.. STOP WORRYING! Boy is that easier said that done.

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