Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ginger's pups three weeks old

We are just now starting to feed Ginger's puppies puree mash. Ginger is still feeding her puppies 6-7 times per day. She sleeps with her puppies for most of the night and is still rather protective of them. They are growing like WEEDS! I can't believe how fast they grow. Ginger's runt is steadily gaining weight and has no health problems. She is just small but is growing regularly like the others. Ginger's puppies are now beginning to start playing. They get out of the kiddie pool on a regular basis and yesterday we found one puppy walking slowly down the hallway! Once they are on solid food steadily we will attempt to place them out in the garage with the other puppies. My only main concern is how Ginger will react to the "mixing" of the puppies and if she will be to overprotective for this.... Time will tell.

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