Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The garage... Sunny's puppies 4 weeks old

We have built an enclosure in our garage for the puppies. As you can see we built it out of straw bales. Kurt built a frame for three heat lamps to hang from, which we have covered with a tarp to contain the heat. It is actually pretty cold in our garage but rather warm under that tarp! So far we have only placed Sunny's puppies (4 weeks old) out in the garage. They are on solid mush food (puppy kibble mixed with soy milk). Sunny still sneaks in a feeding from time to time, however not enough for them to grow. The puppies all have their teeth in now and their ears are open. They play, play & play some more. What a fun stage of puppyhood. We have placed collars on them now in order to help us keep Sunny's pups and Ginger's pups apart (once we place all dogs out in the garage... and to help us start learning each puppies different personality. It is rather easy to mix them all up but now that they are assigned an number we can more readily tell them apart.

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