Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Pictures...

Ball Champ in the making


oA very cute curly haired boy. We call him Bucky Junior. Bucky is one of Julies (breeding coach) dogs who is just a calm love bug. He has really curly ears just like this pup. This pup is never to excited about anything... really laid back and just loves to be cuddled.

Tonight we came home to more puppies out of our hay bale enclosure than there were in the enclosure. So, we spent tonight revamping the garage, opening up half of the garage to the puppies and blocking off the other half of the garage with a stack of hay bales (2 high this time). The puppies were trying to help sweep, rake, move things and shuffle under your feet. They shuffled under your feet the best. We are starting to "paper train" them in one area of the garage. Seems to be working really well so far. The puppies are mainly on dry dog food now and water. We still bring out some dry food in soy milk once per day just to make sure all 20 are getting their nutritional needs met.
Kurt and I spend hours with the puppies.. We will often lay down with them. They end up pig piling on us, biting our ankles! and giving us lots of puppy love. They are to the point where they crave human attention.. and boy do we love to give it to them!

This is a picture of Huck. He has a bandage on his foot because we had a mole (nodule is the technical term) removed when he had his OFA hip certification completed. It was something that was bothering him.. he kept chewing at it. He has done well with the sticky ace wrap. He technically isn't suppose to be outside but it was such a nice sun shiny day we couldn't keep him cooped up. We have the stitches removed in 10-14 days.
This is such a nice picture of Sunny. And YES she is still nursing her pups. We just can't stop her! All the puppies were out in the yard for about 4 hours today. They were digging, eating rocks, eating dirt and just loving life. They eventually found the most fluffy patch of grass we have and pig piled to sleep.
This is a typical picture of Huck with the puppies. He just loves and adores them so much! He falls asleep in the strangest positions with puppies sprawled all over him.

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